Monday, November 2, 2009

Keeping Hope Alive First Annual Harvest Festival

Keeping Hope Alive First Annual Harvest Festival
This Saturday was the day that I had been waiting for for a very long time. Ever since I heard about Acres of Hope, I have wanted to organize a fundraiser for them. But, I have never been able to actually do it...until now! I raised about $1,000 for Acres at the fundraiser and I feel very proud. It was so much fun having all of the moms and children from AoH come and see my house and especially have a wonderful time. I am so grateful for all of the wondferful sponsors who pitched in to make this event the best it could be. Thank you so much! All of the kids had a great time playing games, jumping on the bounce houses, petting the animals in the petting zoo and so much more! What an amazing day. I know that we will continue to make the Keeping Hope Alive Harvest Festival a continual event and hopefully raise even more money and raise even more awareness about Acres of Hope in the years to come. Thank you again to each and every person who made this possible. I truly appreciate it.

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